Thursday, October 23, 2008

wrong on so many levels...

but just too weird to pass up.
slash that... too creepy...


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So, i woke up tuesday at 1 am not feeling too grand, just kinda achy and tummy hurting but managed to get back to sleep...until about 3:30 and i'm trying to quietly throw up while the hubby is sleeping, but after about 30 minutes I was unsuccessful and he gets up to check on me.
I settle back in bed (after brushing my teeth) and I am peaceful until 5:30 when I am offering the trash can everything i've had to eat for all my 29 years of life.
Hubby then leaves to walmart to get supplies (crackers, soup and gatorade) when the "sickness" hits him while at the store and he is rushing to get home.
So now we are both sick. Ugh.
We manage to get some more sleep after some strategic planning with jeorgia. I swear, the first time she ever slept through the night around 8 weeks old, I told her we were going to buy her a pony. And after the sweet little angel she was yesterday.... she's getting ANOTHER one. A boy and a girl. And they can have all the little ponies she wants. We'll have a pony farm...
She was pretty quiet in the morning, but nothing too out-of-sorts, just playing with her toys and then back down for a nap. But by late morning she was really sluggish and just would fall asleep off and on with me holding her.
And then the puke-fest began. That was the saddest sight... poor little j... seriously doing some damage to her jammies, mommy's clothes, towels, burp cloths & blankies (thank goodness they were covering the couch - planned out in advance.) She just sat there, not a sound. I felt so horrible for her.
The day was left with call-in's to work, several bouts of running to the bathroom, glasses of gatorade, medication, soup, crackers, naps, thermometers, moans of pain... and a 20 week old baby that smiled through it all.
I looooooove this kid.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So Target is now on the axis of evil.
I love the store... for things that you know you love and won't ever have to return.
BUT for the things you DO have to return... it totally blows.

We were given some baby gifts either in duplicates, wrong size, etc. and decided to take them back to Target. HOWEVER, if you do not have a receipt, or your receipt expires (ps. how is this possible?!?! Someone paid for it and you have the receipt, so HOW is it expired?!?! YOU HAVE THE RECEIPT!!!!) After 30 minutes (not including wait time) of trying to get something negotiated with customer service, my husband swore that if they weren't going to help us out he was getting his picket sign ready.


Hopefully we'll never have another returned item to Target... otherwise, I'll need bail money.