Wednesday, May 9, 2012

no, your creditcard has not be compromised, you are an idiot.

IF you are balancing your checkbook online and see an unusual charge for an unusual amount, DO call to check about it.

IF in your search for answers, you accidentally find out from a customer service rep that it is more than likely your MOTHER'S DAY GIFT, DO NOT confirm the possibility, by searching your computer and software to find an "untitled photo book" that was made special, just for you, AND proceed to LOOK AT THE ENTIRE THING!!!

IF you do that, more than likely you may feel guilty, especially since you may have gotten rather *IRKED* (at the person who made this gift for you) when you couldn't figure out for-the-love-of-all-things why the dishes didn't get done (amongst other things.) DO call your sister.

And laugh.
