Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Daddy dresses baby...

O i absolutely loooove this.
It is too cute.
I work on Saturdays. This day is also known as "Daddy & Jeorgia" day at our house.
Upon my return from work one Saturday, I was absolutely delighted to see the interesting ensemble daddy chose for his baby girl.

1 Cherry pink "Rolling Stones" onsie. Check.
1 White pajama pants with pink and yellow stripes. Check.
1 pair of Pink leopard spotted socks. Check.
Several pictures to provide entertainment in the years to come. Check.

1 daddy that loves spending time with his baby. Check.
1 mommy that adores that. Check.

(and yes, we took her out in public) :)


Watching an episode of "The Office" tonight reminded me of a funny story:

One night, surrounded by our dogs, Blake was busy studying and I was just relaxing and reading. I had remembered a stupid (but amusing) joke I had heard at work and decided to give it a try on B.

Without looking up from my book, I squinted up my face and said, "Whew. It smells like updog in here."

He looked over at me, confused, but just dismissed my comment and said nothing in response.

About 10 minutes later I let out a little whiff and casually muttered while glancing over the dogs, (and still not making eye contact) "Hmm. It really smells like updog."

He stops studying and squints... (I am trying my best to be uninterested and continue to not look at him) he looks a me, eyes big, brow furrowed, mouth formed to utter, "Huh?"

But I ignore... and pretend to be absolutely indulged in my reading.
This works. He goes back to studying after surveying the room... still unsure as to what I am talking about.

Finally about five more minutes go by and I can no longer hold my "disgust" in and ask him, "Do you smell that?" Adding, "It really smells like updog in here."

His reply....
"What's up dog?"
I smile and say, "Not much. What's up with you?"

We both burst out laughing.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

i'll pick this one...

i am shamelessly obsessed with j's boogers. I can't stand them. And when I see one I HAVE to get it. It is to the point where I will use a bobby pin (i know, i KNOW) to get it if necessary.
so, tonight, while feeding j, I am able to get this sucker without any tools and she is so consumed with eating that she doesn't make a big fuss that I decide to be a jokester.
I tightly pinch that boogie between my index finger and thumb and make a weird squinty face to the hubby and say, "Hmmmm.... weird. What is that?"
He then retrieves the "mystery" item tightly squeezed between my fingers and....
is squinting....
studies it...
and then a look of clarity consumes his face and then...
(All the while I have a big smile on my face.)
"Jaaaaaaaaack!" he whines. "That's nasty."
It was very amusing.
And that folks, is how i get my kicks these days...