Wednesday, May 20, 2009

things to do today: invest in a photo printer

O walmart, I believe we are at a cross-roads. I feel a decided remorse for you these days and my prior "love/hate" status with you is preeeeeetty much just hate.

I put off this errand, because of too much to do (who's not busy, right?) and ended up wanting to claw out my eyes while waiting to upload ONE (yes, that's right. One. 1!) picture in the stinkin' machine at the photo lab.
The "child" in front of me was in obvious indecision about which gang poses, sunglasses close-ups, and fake tattoo shots needed to be edited. And then spent another 5 minutes deciding how many of each said poses to print. O wait. Did I mention the shots of her in the bathroom with just her underwears on????!!!!!!(yes, I said underwears.)
And I guess now would be a good time to mention that her MOTHER was sitting alongside her - this 14 year old girl.
And just when I think I can't take it anymore... (!!!!!) she is now adding text to these kodak-award-winners. Most are tagged with "SEXAAAAY!"

I have nothing left to say.