Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On perhaps why drive-thru food is subpar

This takes place at least two years ago, possibly longer, when I agreed to eat at one of B's favorite fast food places. Arby's. Not that I don't like it every now and then (I'm sure its horrible, like every other fast food) but I just don't LOVE it like Blake loves it. (And I was preggers so I wasn't "feelin" it.)

While ordering at the drive-thru:

Worker: "Can I take your order?"
Me: "Yeah, what's the difference between the Arby's Melt and the Beef'n Cheddar?" (I can't tell from looking at the photo menu.)
Worker: "Well the Arby's Melt is the #3 and the Beef'n Cheddar is the #5."
Me: long pause.................... silence....................I turn to look at Blake and..... laughter quickly ensues.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hey, hey, hey...

so many posts left unwritten...
I'll just let you take a glimpse of what the latest happenings in our life have been (if you're out there still...)

first up, some examples of PREGNANCY BRAIN.
Accidentally locked J in the car. Granted she is a genius but I was quite pleased with how well the situation turned out. With a little help from the mother-of-the-year (yes! me) she was able to climb around the seats and push up and down on every button in the car, alas, unlocking the door herself, smiling the whole time.

I just washed our digital camera in the washing machine. B says it must have been dirty. Getting a replacement was not at the top of my priorities, until I remembered that little one has a birthday coming up in a week. And gee, I would of course want to document the occasion, as well as a need for a camera for the upcoming birth of our second child arriving in September. So while shopping, B proceeded to ask me every time I touched a camera, if this one is "waterproof." Funny guy.

Jeorgie likes to place her head right in between my legs (facing outward, thank gawd!) curling her little arms around my knees, while I tip-toe trying my best not to fall. She then exclaims that she is "carrying" me and boasts just how strong she is.

This of course was fine at home. Now she's started to do it in public.

We have a really interesting family that has moved next door to us. Nice as can be. But really have no regard with how loud they are. I only mention this because it is their loudness that made me look out the back window to begin with. AND after the second peek, what I saw made me take an oath to never again look.

Do have to mention that these town homes are two stories and have a decent size backyard. Of which you can see up to two neighbors yards on each side of you from the upstairs master bedroom windows. My neighbors, apparently have NEVER looked out their back bedroom windows to take this into account, or at least one would think not.

First time we met the head of "The Harry Henderson's" on their move-in day, he was too cool; I mean it sincerely; dressed in a black straw cowboy hat, white t-shirt, black kilt, white tube socks and tennis shoes. We knew that was going to be a lot of fun living next door to: husband and wife (early 50's) & two daughters (very early 20's) & grand baby (less than a year old) & 2 small barking dogs.
And now "fun" has taken on a new meaning... I would say... "comical."

Outdoors there are: lots of slamming the back door, lots of smoking, lots of loud cell phone conversations, lots of the grand baby crying, lots of siblings fighting, lots of tweezing facial hair (wife & daughters; complete with large mirror) (I do find it interesting its the "beard" area of the face...) and finally... lots of underwear. Did you hear me??? LOTS OF UNDERWEAR! Only done by the husband and wife, and in the company of grown children, grown children's friends, grandchildren... pets... plants... lawn furniture...
If I knew better (which I do) I wouldn't... but you know I'm gonna...
I'll just give the excuse that "I'm pregnant."
Aren't pregnant supposed to get away with saying and doing things that are just....uncouth?