Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I am not ashamed to admit it. I think it goes back to my days of singledom - buying something for my place - without a care of whether someone else will like it (keep it clean, keep it picked up, etc, etc, etc.) or not.
With that said....
I have a cute rectangular wicker basket that sits atop the toilet in the guest bathroom. In said basket are several crisp white hand towels and washcloths. All neat and tidy, tucked away.
I call them my "Don't-Touch-Towels." They are there for aesthetics. That's right - no purpose whatsoever other than to look pretty.
I also have a towel tray that holds a hand towel (der) directly next to the sink - this I expect guests to use. NOT the "Don't-Touch-Towels!"
I don't understand how these are the first grabbed at by guests after washing up.
I have even had someone use one of the "Don't-Touch-Towels" when apparently I had run out of toilet paper!!!! That's right, it was completely soaked (but rung out) and folded in half, hanging over the sink. The culprit even informed me that it was "okay" because they just went "#1"
Wha? Huh?!?!
Am I alone out here????
You better "drip dry" sister!
"Don't-Touch-Towels" are just that - "Don't-Touch-Towels!!!"
(ok. I'm done.)


Unknown said...

OOH GROSS! A word of advice - throw it away and buy a new one. Next time that person is over HIDE the "do not touch" baasket. Obviously they have no couth and cannot be trusted!

One Row at a Time said...

wow. bold gal. can you IMAGINE? i might consider it in desperation but I would not be able to follow through - WHO RAISED THAT CHILD?

Peggy Rice said...

I love you more after seeing your wii video!