Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tell the truth

So much to talk (blog) about.... But hey I got a six day old & a two year old so it'll have to wait :)
For now just a jeorgia story so I don't forget:

Guess we've been too persistent about "telling the truth" when it comes to going potty. (Because she has figured out that she can stall a nap or bedtime by declaring she has to go to the bathroom.)

After bath time the three of us girls are in J's room, trying to settle down for the evening. Jeorgia carefully leans over and rubs Greenleigh's little velvet head and sweetly smiles at her saying, "Awwwww."

I say to the baby, "O Greenleigh, Jeorgia says 'I loves you!' That's soooo sweet!"

Jeorgia, disgusted at my outright lie, scowls and says, "I no say that! I didn't say 'I love you.' I JUST put my hand on her head! I just touched her little head with my hand, like this. I NO say that mommy. I didn't say I love you to her."

I reply with, "Oh."