Monday, March 30, 2009

My new (unwanted) friend...

I'm lacking in my blogging skillzzz posts but will try to be better in the future.
Here's a recent happening:

Monday, March 9th
J's 9 month check up fell on this day... I thought it rather interesting that upon our departure, the nurse handed us our usual paperwork along with a bright red sticker stapled to the corner: POISON CONTROL.
huh? As if any good self-respecting mother has ever had to call that number... I scoffed to myself while I watched my husband program it in his phone.

Tuesday, March 10th
While internetting during baby's morning nap, I thought I might as well store that number in my phone before I file that paperwork. Whatever.

Wednesday, March 11th
Followed bath routine before bedtime:
1) Sit J on lap while running bath water.
Hmmm she's too fidgety now so I'll set her down for a sec... just long enough to get the temperature right and clog the drain.
I didn't make it past step 1.
I heard it before I saw it.
huh? what the????

In one swift motion I grabbed that kid and saw that she not only sprayed her eyes, but managed to get up her nose and in her mouth. She was not screaming or crying, just a white face with red blotchy spots and two big blue eyes starring at me in shock. I practically drown her (no, wait, that comes later) while hanging her over the sink with one arm and splashing water all over her face with the other. That's when the crying took place. I must have grown an extra limb because I remember fumbling for the can of Lysol to see what else I needed to do... and then remembered that "stupid" number on my cell, looked it up and hit "dial."
As soon as I turned the water off at the sink she was so happy I wasn't doing the water torture anymore, that she is starts pulling my face in for some kisses. Over and over and over.
Well, wouldn't you know it? The nicest woman came on the phone, got my information and told me to take a 15-20 min shower with the baby, letting the water hit her on the top of the head and run down her face. That's where I'm sure Jeorgia was convinced I was trying to inflict harm on her. She was still giving me open mouth kisses in the shower.
Everything turned out perfectly fine. That sweet voiced, little woman from Poison Control even called back about an hour later to check on the situation... lovely gal that she is.
Looking back - I'm pretty sure those kisses were an attempt at an apology, with Jeorgia knowing she's not supposed to play with pink can. But hey, I'll be honest, I shouldn't have had it out. However, I'm a firm believer of teaching her the words "No" and "Don't touch" before I have to baby proof EVERYTHING. Come on, that spray is for guests, right?
So (sigh) I am thanking God that everything turned out alright. And I'm a little wiser to the placement of the Lysol can.

Thursday, March 12th
I don't think I can handle Toxic Shock Syndrome today.

1 comment:

Kim said...

hilarious!!!! So glad she's ok. I too have had to call Poison Control (paint chips.. sigh) Our babies will be the end of us. :>/